Day 23 – Poggio San Lorenzo to Ponticelli
There are only 3 more day to walk ….. with about 80km’s left to Rome. And I am just getting in the groove. Seriously, there is an art to this. My day pack is must lighter than it was when I started, you will note I have not complained about my feet for maybe a week now.
Today is one of the big ones; about 900m climb and 1000m decline, in fact, I think it is the biggest single day on the walk.
I woke very early this morning with a bad dream, was it the mushrooms last night stimulating my sleep into places it should not go? Getting a good night sleep is fundamental to performance. People are asking me what I do at night; well after I write the blog. Last night I watched an episode of survivor but the night before a short facebook video on sleep. Blue light (computers, ipads, iphones etc) and bad and raspberries and structure are good. Where was I going with this; well I was a bit cranky around lunch today.
I love Italian’s, but I just don’t get their breakfast. This morning it was a selection of high sugar cakes, coffee and sweetened juice. This is being fed to people who are walking and need slow release energy. Amanda I have been listening.
On the positive side, I got a much more detailed response from Jack today following the video I try to send him each day (Jack is six and likes fighting, ninja’s etc but not writing). I was pleased but then Amanda tells me Jack found predictive text on his ipad….
The Walk to Ponticelli
First stop is revisiting the quaint little hilltop hamlet of Poggio San Lorenzo. I find a delicatessen (tick – Prosciutto, Pecorino and Pomodoro bagel for lunch), stop at a Bar for a Cappuccino (tick – 1 Euro, it was great) and head off looking for the remains of the Roman fortified walls.

The Roman details masonry has survived 200 years