Day 8 – Sansepolcro to Citta’ Di Castella
Day 8 and into the second week. I am pleased with how I am going.
The walk continues to delight with beautiful countryside, amazing medieval villages, great food and wine and the whole sense of challenge and achievement. I am spending a lot less time looking at maps as I get a sense of the flow of the journey.
The main challenge is being out in the sun for 10 hours a day or perhaps it’s the couple of beers I have when I arrive. I had 2 today on an old piazza at Caffé Magi. The wheat beer was superb. It quickly had a friend.

Caffe Magi Wheat Beer
The Hotel at Sansepolcro – Fiorentino Ristorante (Lancanda del Giglio) was good, it was a side affair to the restaurant Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed Sunday night so I didn’t get a chance to try it out. But as anyone who knows me well – with the great Enotica Guido 50m down the road ….